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Pretty Little Dutch Girl Lyrics:

Version 8:

I am a pretty little Dutch girl,
As pretty as can be, be, be,
And all the boys on the baseball team,
Go crazy after me, me, me!
One day they gave me peaches,
One day they gave me pears, pears, pears,
One days they gave me 50 cents and took me to the fair, fair, fair.
And when the fair was over,
I asked them to take me home, home, home,
They said they had another date and left me all alone, lone, lone.
I gave them back their peaches,
I gave them back their pears, pears, pears,
I gave them back their 50 cents and kicked them down the stairs, stairs, stairs!

Information: “Pretty Little Dutch Girl” rhyme was an extremely popular in many nursery rhyme books. This nursery rhymes was first recorded in 1940 in USA.

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Shubham Jain2


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