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Green Grow the Rushes, O Lyrics:

I’ll sing you twelve, O
Green grow the rushes, O
What are your twelve, O?
Twelve for the twelve Apostles
Eleven for the eleven who went to heaven,
Ten for the ten commandments,
Nine for the nine bright shiners,
Eight for the April Rainers.
Seven for the seven stars in the sky,
Six for the six proud walkers,
Five for the symbols at your door,
Four for the Gospel makers,
Three, three, the rivals,
Two, two, the lily-white boys,
Clothed all in green, O
One is one and all alone
And evermore shall be so.

Information: “Green Grow the Rushes, O” rhyme was an extremely popular in many nursery rhyme books. This nursery rhymes was first recorded in England.

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Shubham Jain2


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